
When I sit down to sketch and create an illustration I like to have fun and enjoy creating characters in peculiar situations. Illustration, for me, is imagining stories and bringing them to life. Sometimes they can be pleasant or the opposite. It's all about having fun.

KidsPeace Hospital

It was such a huge pleasure for me to create these pieces of art. For these triptych art illustrations I have created a scenery that shows the metamorphosis of a butterfly. In this case we compare a  patient's need  for recovery, and the gradual  transformation to a healthy butterfly. Healing after moments of distress and illness can be difficult and sometimes the process takes time and courage. To reach this level of healing KidsPeace has, through their expertise of health treatment,   achieved this goal. Thank you, KidsPeace, for giving Hope, Help, and Healing to  those in need.

  • I’ve decided to portray the caterpillar, branch, and leaves with very bright colors. The caterpillar is eating a leaf on top of a branch. The scheme is mostly earth tones up front for this one. For the background, though, I decided to add a funky feel. Some small colorfully explosive areas are accented with bright white outlines. The leaves and flowers are just waking and portrayed in line with the time just a little bit after sunrise. The beginning of a new day is a perfect interpretation for hope. 

  • The main focus in this design is the chrysalide and the branch. The caterpillar has changed his form into a cocoon. Just about all the major structures are broken down and then rebuilt, including the heart. The flowers and leaves rise and appear more alive, as blooming nature and the atmosphere around it are helping this chrysalide to continue with its cycle of life. Nature is providing this chrysalide with everything it needs. The Sun shows in a different position and it's a little larger in size. The sun provides the energy and the warmth the cocoon needs to transform.

  • From the chrysalide emerges a beautiful, colorful butterfly.  In this image the butterfly is laying/landing on the branch where all its transformation has occurred. It pauses here to dry its wings and reflect, remembering where it came from and the things that helped it grow.  The butterfly has finally left the comfort of the cocoon to adopt its new form and life. Flowers are in full blossom and facing the butterfly. The sun is big and bright. A butterfly transformation process represents change, healing, and growth. It begins life in one form and transforms as it grows. This representation shows that change is beautiful. 

    This transformation represents the healing and growth that the children in KidsPeace experience. Sometimes we need a period of dormancy and a place to ground ourselves in order to achieve the changes needed. It is important to find within oneself the belief  that we are worthy of feeling a sense of belonging and happiness or that we truly deserve to experience love in its many facets.